Tag Archives: Jesus

Trees of the Field…

Some of this is my attempt at poetry on a subject well known and some of it is a song we sing. I hope you enjoy the combination.

And The Trees of the Field Shall… 

The voice and the breath of God moves thru the Trees of the Field. They grow upright into His peace, His place. Their branches and leaves remain open, praising, upward and holy so that He may be able to flow in them, thru them, and infiltrate them. His presence completely surrounds them!

Their growth is high, as leaves and fruit are high above the ground, above the filth and dust where the evil one lives.  That which is not good falls off, and returns to the ground, their dead fruit is given to the dark.  Their dead branches turn down to look at the dust because they are too dark and heavy with death to reach up and seek God. 

The Trees of the Fields shame is looking down, their praise is looking up. Their roots grow deep and firm in Him that they may be established and stand, not letting weeds, rot and every heavy evil weigh them down to destroy them. 

They remain high and lifted up to God. They love their creator and show it in their beauty. They raise their branches toward heaven. 

I look up and raise my hands to the heavens. I clap my hands in praise and joy! I know God surrounds me and infiltrates me and I know I bend in the wind. Sometimes, I do look down and find evil weighing me down! I look up and see Jesus at the right hand of Gods’ throne, sitting there interceding for me. I love my creator and pray that I shall be like the trees of the field and grow beside the still water and be strong.

Isa 55:12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap [their] hands.



No Matter what I’ve done…

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.

You are precious and loved by Me. You are precious and honored in my sight, and…I love you. Isaiah 43:4.

In God's palm

My Father, which gave them to me, is greater than all and no            man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. John 10:29

No matter what I may have done or will do, nothing will take me from God and his love.  Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities of the air, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come. Romans 8:38

Study and meditate on these words of God.  They are your fruit, life, breath, your everything right!

Remain Strong in His Presence


2 Corinthians 4:8-9

“These words were spoken by the Apostle Paul, who suffered all those things for the cause of Christ. He never got over the fact that he had started out as a cruel persecutor of Jesus’ followers. All that changed when he met personally met Jesus while on the road to Damascus, intending to imprison Christians and have them put to death. When the post-crucifixion Jesus challenged him with the question, “Paul, Paul!! Why are you persecuting me?” Paul fell on his face and was a transformed man : the Missionary, and not the Persecutor. Paul suffered greatly by beatings, imprisonments, and finally death after he appealed his case to Caesar. But Paul had seen Heaven, so NOTHING but death could stop his tenacious work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles was last heard of when he was imprisoned in Rome and was reportedly beheaded for his faith in Jesus the Christ.”

Picture shared from ‘The Word Dwelling Among Us.’

At the Throne with Strength and Joy

This  Thursday morning, I woke up and immediately remembered how disappointed I was last night when the estate seller told me she couldn’t help me because I don’t have enough in the house to make it profitable for her!  I started crying again, remembering how daunting the task has appeared to me and that was not the solution either! Okay, Jesus, what am I to do, and how?

I was reminded, thank you, Holy Spirit, that I should think on those things that are noble, reputable, beautiful…Phillipians 4:8.

My favorite picture of God is Him sitting on his throne, all dressed in white  and his robe filling the room and the edge of his robe has a fluffy boa type edging. The room is filled with love and hope. And just like Esther I can seek my Lord at his throne because he loves me so completely. And there was Jesus sitting next to him smiling. I so wanted to have a happy day and change those dreary thoughts to blessings! I began to praise God for my most beautiful picture of heaven and that was right where I needed to be all day. I just crawled right up there and sat on daddy Abbas lap. Next thing I knew I was up off my bed singing, praising and hugging my puppies. 

The song I started singing is a funny song that comes to mind often because I’ve known it forever, well since I was a child in church.  “The Joy of the Lord is my Strength.”  The song isn’t funny, but the way I sing it it is! I sing the “strength of the Lord is my joy”and wonder why it sounds a bit off.  However, on this particular day it did make sense.  I was strengthened because I was expressing joy to the Lord and because of the Lord.  Haha, a new song. I got jazzed about that and sang louder, while getting ready to go out in the world and be dynamic with new thoughts, new vigor and blessings abounded toward me all day.  Not to mention that I kept reminding myself and God that this is a totally great way to remove those dang dark clouds!  

I am learning to transform old patterns and letting go of old thoughts I don’t need anymore.  I think I discovered that having Phillipians 4:8 written on my white board on the fridge and studying it as I work in there, that I can’t help but allow it to become a part of my thought patterns.  Thank You, Michael K. for pointing that verse out to me, not only to read but to meditate on.  

What a great day we had, Jesus and I sitting at the throne.

