Tag Archives: clap

Trees of the Field…

Some of this is my attempt at poetry on a subject well known and some of it is a song we sing. I hope you enjoy the combination.

And The Trees of the Field Shall… 

The voice and the breath of God moves thru the Trees of the Field. They grow upright into His peace, His place. Their branches and leaves remain open, praising, upward and holy so that He may be able to flow in them, thru them, and infiltrate them. His presence completely surrounds them!

Their growth is high, as leaves and fruit are high above the ground, above the filth and dust where the evil one lives.  That which is not good falls off, and returns to the ground, their dead fruit is given to the dark.  Their dead branches turn down to look at the dust because they are too dark and heavy with death to reach up and seek God. 

The Trees of the Fields shame is looking down, their praise is looking up. Their roots grow deep and firm in Him that they may be established and stand, not letting weeds, rot and every heavy evil weigh them down to destroy them. 

They remain high and lifted up to God. They love their creator and show it in their beauty. They raise their branches toward heaven. 

I look up and raise my hands to the heavens. I clap my hands in praise and joy! I know God surrounds me and infiltrates me and I know I bend in the wind. Sometimes, I do look down and find evil weighing me down! I look up and see Jesus at the right hand of Gods’ throne, sitting there interceding for me. I love my creator and pray that I shall be like the trees of the field and grow beside the still water and be strong.

Isa 55:12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap [their] hands.

